Under 18s

Team Philosophy
The way we play - Our team will play with pride, passion and are encouraged to express themselves and play without fear of making mistakes. We encourage each player to make their own decisions and discover the enjoyment and thrill of the beautiful game.
The Way We Train - Our team train with pride, passion, and focus. We will spend as much time as possible on the ball. We will listen to instruction whilst working with and encouraging each other.
Our squad will consist of 18 players and league rule stipulate that we can have a maximum of 16 players in any match day squad As such we will attempt to rotate squad players where possible but selection will be based on attitude, attendance and effort in training.
Attitude To Compete - We want every player to demonstrate the attitude to compete, even when playing against a side where it is unlikely you will get a result. football should be about learning, developing and feeling free to express yourself while taking small victories along the way. Having the right attitude is paramount. We compete fairly with passion and RESPECT.
Love Playing For The Team - We want every player to love playing for the Team. We want players who are committed to the team and the overall effort but mostly playing for the Club.
Commitment - Being committed is more than just turning up on matchdays. we require all our players to attend at least 90% of all training sessions as a minimum, we want players and their families supporting individuals, the team and the Club. Commitment brings success and success breeds both on and off the pitch.
When and Where
In season Training -
Wednesday evening 6pm until 7.30pm at Bluecoat Beechdale Academy.
Matchday games are played on Saturday mornings at Harvey Hadden. KO to be confirm during the week.
Off season Training -
Saturday mornings 10 am until 11:30 am and Wednesday evenings 7pm until 8 pm, both at Harvey Hadden.